Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wonderlust 2011

Well, since I found some time in the wee hours of the night (when I'd usually be at breakdancing practice), I decided to share with all of you a wonderful experience I had with a few fine ladies as we were all invited to a fashion event in Toronto called "Wonderlust". My good friend, Melanie Greenwood runs a company called "vision city". She was personally invited to a fashion show that the Ryerson students put on. She was told she could bring other people she knew who blogged to come as "media".  So she invited myself and a few other cool bloggers :)

It was at an enchanted evening in a beautiful venue with high ceilings and ornate chandeliers. We were welcomed with "loot" bags filled with all kinds of fun things. One thing in particular called "Damn heels", I thought was a genious idea. Look them up!


They had two runway shows. The first was the girls evening wear line, and then a menswear line. There was a short intermission in between so we could mingle, get a glass of wine and snoop out the other venders.

The Ryerson students did a wonderful job! Here are some of my favorite shots. Enjoy!!

The Menswear:

There ya have it!!! It was very inspiring to see these young students show off their artwork. Good job!!

Have a good evening everyone!!

God Bless